
Ethno-nationalism: A Corrupting Force in Economic Development in Fiji

In these beautiful islands that we call home, where vibrant cultures intertwine and breathtaking beauty abounds, a specter looms over the nation's development progress. Ethno-nationalism, with its divisive ideology, has not only hindered economic growth but has also corrupted the values that underpin a prosperous and harmonious society. The emphasis on ethnicity in the distribution of economic resources and opportunities has fostered racism, fueled political unrest, and perpetuated a cycle of wasted potential. As citizens of Fiji, it is imperative that we recognize the corrosive effects of ethno-nationalism and work towards dismantling its hold on our nation's progress. At the heart of ethno-nationalism lies the prioritization of ethnic identity over meritocracy and equal opportunity. This emphasis on ethnicity, rather than qualifications and skills, in the allocation of resources and employment opportunities undermines the principles of fairness and inclusivity. As a result, t
  And today when we want to put forward another worthy Taukei like Dr Timoci Bavadra. That is Savenaca Narube people have issue. They say he is a small party when the polls that came out say different. They say his party is predominantly Taukei when Taukei nationalists and Rabuka said similarly that the Fiji Labour party was predominantly Indo-Fijian back in 1987. I ask when will we learn the quality of the person putting himself forward is what matters. It did then, and it does today. There are only 3 possibles for PM. Bai, Rabuka or Save. The former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji, touted by Mahendra Chaudhry for giving him a budget surplus in 1999. And all his other credentials and accolades. He and his party Unity Fiji know the problem. It is politicized spending. Security, Propaganda,Vehicle leasing wastage over Education, Health, Agriculture, Youth even Housing with is only $191 million through the last 15 years. We have put forward a solution with facts and figures and cl

Leadership is not only about education and experience it is also about courage

“When we extrapolate our results for vitamin D3 supplementation to the entire US population in 2020, there would have been approximately 4 million fewer COVID-19 cases and 116,000 deaths avoided. We calculated these values by applying our estimated 20% average reduction in infection and 33% reduction in mortality after infection for vitamin D3 to a total of 19,860,000 cases and 351,999 deaths through 202029” This is a treatment protocol for COVID that was recommended by many Medical practitioners throughout the world who were victimimsed and censored for doing so throughout the pandemic. This included our own Medical practitioners. One of which recommended this protocol to me under duress, out of fear of being deregistered or victimized. As the pre-COVID vaccine treatment protocol recommended was rest, paracetamol, and isolation while we awaited its “vaccine” production and supply. Looking at the data in this report from a prestigous medical journal and medical researchers it is clear

Unity Fiji Manifesto launch 2022 elections

I have indexed the Unity Fiji Manifesto launch presentation by Savenaca Narube so that people can get into it easier in YouTube. But you need to go and watch the video on the YouTube sight to use that index. It will not appear if you just play the link below. Please enjoy the index in the description section of the YouTube video to understand the manifesto and the prowess of the Party leader and the party to put together a solution to the nation's and the peoples problems if given the opportunity to govern.  

It is not about ego it is about giving yourself the best chance to pull it off

Polly Manuni its not ego. He understands the issues (i.e. scientifically) only too well for any of the other Taukei PM candidates to accept his economic strategy. Remember he has worked with both of them as his PM. He fears that they will get influenced as they have by the Khaiyum's and Biman's/NFP's to scuttle his clarity of vision on what needs to be done to get us up and going. Both Rabuka and Bai have a record of being good listeners but are inadequately educated to know what is intelligence and what is bullshit. It is not a racist thing. It is that Biman and Khaiyum do not know Taukei people and their cultures well enough to propose the kind of solutions that Savenaca Narube is proposing. The last 16 years have proven that with Khaiyum and I am sure Biman would also be sitting from the outside trying poke at the problem from the outside. The economic problem is the Taukei, and the Taukei's unrealized potential of human and natural resources . Save grew up in villa

Unity Fiji Elections Manifesto 2022

Unity Fiji 2022 Elections Manifesto - "Restoring Freedom and Hope"

Unity Fiji Manifesto 2022 Highlights

Unity Fiji Manifesto - Elections 2022